"I discovered early that running always made me feel powerful, free and fearless. The longer I ran, the higher I felt so the 26.2 mile distance intrigued me."
~ Kathrine Switzer

Courtsy of the book Marathon Runner

Courtesy of Syacuse 

Kathrine Started running a mile a day when she was 12 years old so she could get on her high school field hockey team. Then eventually Kathrine started enjoying running and she joined the boys cross country team. Which the coach Arnie Briggs decided that he would train her and they started running every night together. 


The Boston Marathon is an annual marathon that started in 1897. The 26 mile race is held in Massachusetts and is always held on Patriots Day, the third Monday of April.

Courtesy of USA TVLINE

Courtesy of Runners World

Roberta Gibbs was the first woman to ever finish the Boston Marathon but, she ran unofficially without numbers in the years of 1966-1968. She says that she hid in the bushes until the race started so she would stay unnoticed. The problem was that Roberta went completely unnoticed as soon as Kathrine ran, with people saying that Kathrine Switzer was the first woman to run the Boston Marathon. 

In the early 1800s society decided that women shouldn’t do as much physical work since they are too delicate. They could only do moderate exercise, even though doctors said that exercise is good for womens health. They also had to deal with clothing that constrained their movement.

Courtesy of Shannon Selin

"I wanted to show that women could run, but I also wanted to kind of inspire the idea that ordinary people can run."
~ Roberta Gibbs