When Kathrine got to the marathon she got many weird looks. But, also most of the runners were very welcoming and said stuff like, "Gosh, it’s great to see a girl here!"  When she got to the starting line Kathrine tried to stay unnoticed. Even though everyone was excited for her to be there.

Courtesy of Quiz Club

"The first few miles of every marathon are fun. The running is easy, the crowd noise is exciting, and your companions are conversational and affable. You know it’s going to hurt later, so you just enjoy this time."
~ Kathrine Switzer

Courtesy of Forbes 

 “No matter what, I have to finish this race. Even if you can’t, I have to even on my hands and knees. If I don’t finish, people will say that women can’t do it, and they will say I was just doing this for the publicity or something.”
~ Kathrine Switzer

Courtesy of My Hero

After the first few miles a truck came down the road with someone saying, "Get over, runners move to your right!" Followed by a press truck. Suddenly, a man shaking his finger at Kathrine was running towards her. As he reached for Kathrines numbers he said "Get out of my race and give me those numbers!" He continuously swiped at her numbers and even grabbed her shirt. As Arnie tried to get him away he was swatted away. He was still holding Kathrine by the shirt when Katherines boyfriend Tom knocked him to the ground.

After Kathrine got attacked, the press started asking her questions like, “When are you going to quit?” which only aggravated Kathrine more. As soon as the truck left they slowed down even though they still had over 20 miles left to run.

Courtesy of Christopher Hassiotis 

“I was dazed and confused. I’d never been up close to physical violence; the power was terrifying and I was shocked at how helpless I, as a strong woman, felt against it.” ​​​​​​​
~ Kathrine Switzer